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Color Mark Sensor
Analog Proximity Sensor
M12 Analog Sensor
M18 Analog Sensor
M30 Analog Sensor
S30 Sqaure Analog Sensor
S41 Sqaure Analog Sensor
F54 Sqaure Analog Sensor
Laser Through Beam Sensor
M12 Laser Beam Sensor
M18 Laser Beam Sensor
Hall Effect Sensor
M8 Hall Sensor
M12 Hall Sensor
M18 Hall Sensor
M8/M12 Cable Connectors
M8 Cable Type Connector
M8 Mountable Connector
M8 Metal Panel Connector
M12 Cable Type Connector
M12 Mountable Connector
M12 Metal Panel Connector
M12 PCB Mount Connector
M12 3 Way Connector
Inductive Proximity Sensor
Cylinder Shapes
Square Shapes
Pancake Shapes
W/ Connector Type Sensor
Short Body Sensor
Extended Distance Sensor
Capacitive Proximity Sensor
M12 Cylinder Type
M18 Cylinder Type
M30 Cylinder Type
S25 Square Type
S30 Square Type
S41 Square Type
F36 Pancake Type
F42 Pancake Type
F54 Pancake Type
W/M12 Connector Type
Solid State Relay
Single Phase SSR DC-AC
Single Phase SSR AC-AC
Single Phase SSR DC-DC
3 Phase SSR DC-AC
3 Phase SSR AC-AC
PCB Mounting SSR
Photo Electric Sensor
Through Beam Type
Retro-Reflective Type
Diffuse Reflection Type
Connector Type Photo Sensor
Relay Output Photo Sensor
Digital LED Counter
CRL Multi-Function Counter
CRN 1/2 Preset Counter
Digital LED Timer
CRL Multi-Function Timer
TRN Digital Timer
Temperature Controller
TCL 3 Digital Controller
TCM 4 Digital Controller
TCN Advanced Controller
TCH Process Controller
Digital Universal Indicator
DM8 Econonic Indicator
DN8 Hot Selling Indicator
DS8 Advanced Indicator
Digital Load Cell Indicator
4 LED Weighing Indicator
Digital Frequency Tacho Meter
DP8 Economic Type
DPF Pulse Input Type
Digital Power Coulo Meter
DW8 Single Phase
DW9 Three Phase
Digital Flow Meter
FA8 Flow Indicator
FLW Total Flow Meter
Digtal Ampere Voltage Meter
DPM 3 1/2 Digit Economic Type
DPN 4 LED Type
Pressure Sensor Transmitter
YLT203 Ceramic Type
PT001 Silicon IC Type
PT003 0.1 Accuracy Type
PT005 LED Display Type
PT007 High Temperature Type
PT008 Submersible Type
Safety Light Curtain
SNA Type 0-3M
SNB Type 0-8M
STF Reflector Type 0-3M
STD Type 0-15M
Namur Proximity Sensor
M12 Namur Sensor
M18 Namur Sensor
M30 Namur Sensor
M8 Namur Sensor
Incremental Rotary Encoder
Solid Shaft Encoder
Hollow Shaft Encoder
Motor Encoder
Hand Wheel Encoder
Flange Encoder
Flexible Coupling
DR Aluminum Thread
BR Aluminum Clamping
DR2-S Plastic Type
BF 4 Jaw Type
BF1 6 Jaw Type
DT Steel Spring Type
BD Steel Sleeve Layer Type
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The production of series:
F54 Analog Proximity Sensor
F54 25mm Analog Output Proximity Sensor
* Pancake shape analog inductive proximity sensor, out D=54mm, ABS plastic housing. * Detect distance: 25mm.* Distance and sensitivity are adjustable by potentiometer. * Widely used for controlling position; measuring deviation of control position, curve and excursion. Measuring height of swing and the stability of dimension control...etc.
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Color Mark Sensor
Analog Proximity Sensor
Laser Through Beam Sensor
Hall Effect Sensor
M8/M12 Cable Connectors
Inductive Proximity Sensor
Capacitive Proximity Sensor
Solid State Relay
Photo Electric Sensor
Digital LED Counter
Digital LED Timer
Temperature Controller
Digital Universal Indicator
Digital Load Cell Indicator
Digital Frequency Tacho Meter
Digital Power Coulo Meter
Digital Flow Meter
Digtal Ampere Voltage Meter
Pressure Sensor Transmitter
Safety Light Curtain
Namur Proximity Sensor
Incremental Rotary Encoder
Flexible Coupling
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All Categories
Color Mark Sensor
Analog Proximity Sensor
M12 Analog Sensor
M12 Cable Type Analog Sensor
M12 Connector Type Analog Sensor
M18 Analog Sensor
M18 Cable Type Analog Sensor
M18 Connector Type Analog Sensor
M30 Analog Sensor
M30 Cable Type Analog Sensor
M30 Connector Type Analog Sensor
S30 Sqaure Analog Sensor
S30 Analog Proximity Sensor
S41 Sqaure Analog Sensor
S41 Analog Proximity Sensor
F54 Sqaure Analog Sensor
F54 Analog Proximity Sensor
Laser Through Beam Sensor
M12 Laser Beam Sensor
M12 Cable Laser Beam Sensor
M12 Connector Laser Beam Sensor
M18 Laser Beam Sensor
M18 Cable Laser Beam Sensor
M18 Connector Laser Beam Sensor
Hall Effect Sensor
M8 Hall Sensor
M8 Cable Type Hall Sensor
M8 Connector Type
M12 Hall Sensor
M12 Cable Type Hall Sensor
M12 Connector Type Hall Sensor
M18 Hall Sensor
M18 Cable Type Hall Sensor
M18 Connector Type Hall Sensor
M8/M12 Cable Connectors
M8 Cable Type Connector
M8 Female Cable Connector
M8 Male Cable Connector
M8 Mountable Connector
M8 Female&Male Wireless Connector
M8 Metal Panel Connector
M8 Female&Male Panel Connector
M12 Cable Type Connector
M12 Female Cable Connector 3/4/5 Poles
M12 Male Cable Connector 3/4/5 Pins
M12 8 Pins Cable Connector
M12 PNP/NPN LED Cable Connector
M12 Mountable Connector
M12 Female Field Connector
M12 Male Field Connector
M12 Metal Panel Connector
M12 Metal Panel Conenctors
M12 PCB Mount Connector
M12 PCB Mount Connector
M12 3 Way Connector
M12 3 Way Field Conenctor
Inductive Proximity Sensor
Cylinder Shapes
M4 Inductive Sensor
M5 Inductive Sensor
M6 Inductive Sensor
M8 Inductive Sensor
M12 Inductive Sensor
M18 Inductive Sensor
M30 Inductive Sensor
Square Shapes
S17 Inductive Sensor
S17A Inductive Sensor
S18 Inductive Sensor
S18A Inductive Sensor
S20 Inductive Sensor
S25 Inductive Sensor
S30 Inductive Sensor
S40 Inductive Sensor
S41 Inductive Sensor
Pancake Shapes
F36 Inductive Sensor
F42 Inductive Sensor
F54 Inductive Sensor
F80 Inductive Sensor
F80B Inductive Sensor
F100 Inductive Sensor
F120 Inductive Sensor
W/ Connector Type Sensor
M5 Connector Sensor
M8 Connector Sensor
M12 Connector Sensor
M18 Connector Sensor
M30 Connector Sensor
Short Body Sensor
M8 Short Body Sensor
M12 Short Body Sensor
M18 Short Body Sensor
M30 Short Body Sensor
Extended Distance Sensor
M8 Longer Distance Sensor
M12 Longer Distance Sensor
M18 Longer Distance Sensor
M30 Longer Distance Sensor
Capacitive Proximity Sensor
M12 Cylinder Type
M12 Capacitive Proximity Sensor
M18 Cylinder Type
M18 Capacitive Proximity Sensor
M30 Cylinder Type
M30 Capacitive Proximity Sensor
S25 Square Type
S25 Capacitive Proximity Sensor
S30 Square Type
S30 Capacitive Proximity Sensor
S41 Square Type
S41 Capacitive Proximity Sensor
F36 Pancake Type
F36 Capacitive Proximity Sensor
F42 Pancake Type
F42 Capacitive Proximity Sensor
F54 Pancake Type
F54 Capacitive Proximity Sensor
W/M12 Connector Type
M12 Cylinder Connector type
M18 Cylinder Connector type
M30 Cylinder Connector type
Solid State Relay
Single Phase SSR DC-AC
Single Phase SSR-15A/25A/40A/50A
Single Phase SSR-80A/100A
Single Phase SSR AC-AC
Single Phase AC SSR-15/25/40/50AA
Single Phase AC SSR-80A/100AA
Single Phase SSR DC-DC
Single Phase DC SSR-5/10/15/25/40DD
3 Phase SSR DC-AC
Three Phase SSR-3-15/25/40/50A
Three Phase SSR-3-80A/100A
3 Phase SSR AC-AC
Three Phase AC SSR-3-15/25/40/60/80/100AA
PCB Mounting SSR
PCB Mounting SSR 2A/3A/5A
Photo Electric Sensor
Through Beam Type
M12 Beam Sensor (3M)
M18 Beam Sensor (10M)
M30 Beam Sensor (20M)
C20 Fork Sensor (30cm)
C41 Beam Sensor (2M)
C26 Beam Sensor (5M)
C40 Beam Sensor (5M)
C50 Beam Sensor (5M)
C19 Beam Sensor (6M)
C71 Beam Sensor (20/30M)
C80 Beam Sensor (20M)
Retro-Reflective Type
M18 Reflector Sensor (3M)
M30 Reflector Sensor (4M)
C26 Reflector Sensor (3M)
C19 Reflector Sensor (3M)
C50 Reflector Sensor (2M)
C80 Reflector Sensor (4M)
Diffuse Reflection Type
M18 Diffuse Sensor (1.5/1.8M)
M18 Diffuse Sensor (10/30/50CM)
M12 Diffuse Sensor (10cm)
M30 Diffuse Sensor (1M)
C41 Diffuse Sensor (10cm)
C26 Diffuse Sensor (30cm)
C50 Diffuse Sensor (30cm)
C19 Diffuse Sensor (50cm)
C80 Diffuse Sensor (1M)
C40 Diffuse Sensor(50cm)
Connector Type Photo Sensor
M12 Connector Photo Sensor
M18 Connector Photo Sensor
M30 Connector Photo Sensor
Relay Output Photo Sensor
C50 Diffuse Sensor 5 Wires
C50 Retro Reflective Sensor 5 Wires
C50 Through Beam Sensor 5 Wires
Digital LED Counter
CRL Multi-Function Counter
CRL 6 LED Digital Counter Length Meter
CRN 1/2 Preset Counter
CRN 1/2 Preset Counter/Length Meter
Digital LED Timer
CRL Multi-Function Timer
CRL 6 LED Digital Timer
TRN Digital Timer
TRN 1/2 Preset Digital Timer
Temperature Controller
TCL 3 Digital Controller
TCM 4 Digital Controller
TCN Advanced Controller
TCH Process Controller
TCH RS485 Digital Temperature Controller
TCH Time Control Process Controller
Digital Universal Indicator
DM8 Econonic Indicator
DM8 Economic Price Digital Indicator
DN8 Hot Selling Indicator
DN8 Hot Selling Digital Indicator
DS8 Advanced Indicator
DS8 Multi-Function Digital Sensor Indicator
DS8 RS485 Communication Digital Indicator
Digital Load Cell Indicator
4 LED Weighing Indicator
DN8 Digital Loadcell Weighing Indicator
DN8 RS485 Weighing Indicator
Digital Frequency Tacho Meter
DP8 Economic Type
DP8 4 LED Digital Frequency/Tacho/Linespeed Meter
DPF Pulse Input Type
DPF Digital Frequency/Tacho/Linespeed Meter
Digital Power Coulo Meter
DW8 Single Phase
DW8 Single Phase Power Panel Meter
DW9 Three Phase
DW9 3 Phase Power Panel Meter
DW9 RS485 Communication 3 Phase Power Meter
Digital Flow Meter
FA8 Flow Indicator
FA8 Digital Flow Indicator
FLW Total Flow Meter
FLW-8 Digital Flow Controller Meter
Digtal Ampere Voltage Meter
DPM 3 1/2 Digit Economic Type
DPM 3 1/2 LED Digital Ampere/Voltage Meter
DPN 4 LED Type
DPN 4 LED Digital AC DC Ampere/Voltage Meter
Pressure Sensor Transmitter
YLT203 Ceramic Type
YLT203 Ceramics Type Pressure Sensor Transmitter
PT001 Silicon IC Type
PT001 Silicon High Quality Pressure Transmitter
PT003 0.1 Accuracy Type
PT003 0.1 Class Accuracy Advanced Pressure Transmitter
PT005 LED Display Type
PT005 LED Display Pressure Transmitter
PT007 High Temperature Type
PT007 High Temperature Pressure Transmitter
PT008 Submersible Type
PT008 Submersible Type Water Level Pressure Sensor
Safety Light Curtain
SNA Type 0-3M
SNA 3M Through Beam Safety Light Curtain
SNB Type 0-8M
SNB 8M Through Beam Safety Light Curtain
STF Reflector Type 0-3M
STD Type 0-15M
STD 15M Through Beam Safety Light Curtain
Namur Proximity Sensor
M12 Namur Sensor
M18 Namur Sensor
M30 Namur Sensor
M8 Namur Sensor
Incremental Rotary Encoder
Solid Shaft Encoder
ISC3806 6mm Shaft
ISC3004 4mm Shaft
ISC5208 10mm Shaft
ISC5810 10mm Shaft
ISA5028 Wheel Type Encoder
Hollow Shaft Encoder
ZKE4006 6mm or 8mm Hollow Shaft
ZKE5810 10mm/12mm Hollow Shaft
IHA6210 14mm/15mm Hollow Shaft
IHC3806 Semi Hollow Shaft
IHA8030 30mm Hollow Shaft
IHA9040 40mm Hollow Shaft
Motor Encoder
HKT30-A01 AB Signals
HKT30-301 ABZ Signals
IHU4808 Servo Motor Encoder
Hand Wheel Encoder
ISM6045 Small Hand Wheel Encoder
ISM8060 Manual Wheel Encoder
ISMM1465 Hand Wheel Sets
Flange Encoder
ISL5810 10mm Shaft Flange Encoder
ISL5815 15mm Shaft Flange Encoder
Flexible Coupling
DR Aluminum Thread
DR Aluminum Thread Flexible Coupling
BR Aluminum Clamping
BR Aluminum Clamping Flexible Coupling
DR2-S Plastic Type
DR2-S Plastic Type Flexible Coupling
BF 4 Jaw Type
BF 4 Jaw Rubber Sleeve Aluminum Flexible Coupling
BF1 6 Jaw Type
BF3 6 Jaw Rubber Sleeve Flexible Coupling
DT Steel Spring Type
DT Steel Spring Thread Flexible Coupling
BD Steel Sleeve Layer Type
BD Steel Sleeve Layer Flexible Coupling
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